About Me, Molly :)

Hello! My name is Molly Bell and I am just beginning the journey that is my twenties. I am in my third year of college and I am studying acting at a two year conservatory! I was born and raised in SoCal, and I have a kitten named Daphne. I am an ambacebador for Guayakí Yerba Mate, and my favorite colors are brown, green, and blue. I grew up learning any instrument I could, and now I am equally bad at piano, guitar, and electric bass. I mostly sing, loudly, and I also love to write music and stories. I love to rewatch the same TV shows, make playlists about relationships I have yet to have (I am very single), and I have realized the only books I enjoy are the most tragic romances. I made this blog simply to just talk about life as I go through young adulthood, and to help not only inspire others, but to inspire myself because if it is the year of anything, it is the year of doing all of the things you've been wanting to do. I called it hiccups not only because I always have the hiccups, but because sometimes you have to deal with the things you can't control, but it makes you stronger in the end. <3
My Favorite Films

My Favorite Books

My Favorite Artists